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NEVA (New EVolution HArvester) is the acronym used by BCS for their new range of products dedicated to professional haymaking.

They are created from the experience of a society with more than a half century of history and success, which can listen and grant the needs of its customers. These machines are destined to a market of big surfaces and to an intensive agriculture which needs machines with maximum performance.

The new MultiFloat Frame, the DustDeflector Wings and the Dynamic Lightening System distinguish the NEVA R8 from the competition, making it a unique product.

The set-up to regulate machine stability once on the tractor, preparing it for the work, is directly conducted from the driver’s seat in a simple, fast and intuitive manner thanks to the chromatic stability indicators.

The cutting bar profile enables excellent penetration on grass, even if dense and bedded, with a regular flow of cut fodder even at high advancement speeds, without danger of blocking.

MultiFloat Frame

The MultiFloat Frame is a new parallelogram linkage and a torsion bar for transversal balancing, that guarantees the adaptability of NEVA for all types of ground while maintaining the weight on the ground of the bar, using two stabilising springs.

Thanks to the MultiFloat Frame, the length of the cardan shafts, which power the engine, remain practically the same, optimising movements on the ground of the work bar, in particular its retraction and the simultaneous squat rotation in the event of knocks or in the presence of sloped land.

Dust Deflector Wings

The DustDeflector Wings system is composed of an upper deflector shield placed like bodywork over the frame of the machinery and two side deflector shields placed on the side of the frame. These act as a barrier against dust and detritus which rises up during work and causes the tractor cooling equipment to get blocked, causing continuous stoppages to clean the grids and even causing irreparable damage to engines.

The efficiency of the NEVA system was tested in-depth and patented. It is the result of a stylistic study to remove clogging substances laterally from the machine.

Cutter Bar

The cutter bar with 8 discs and 325 cm width, is available with normal rotation discs which gives better performance in high, consistent fodder, or with counter rotating discs recommended in typical mountain fodder, which is low, dense and persistent.

The knock proof system, using disc holding flanges with a torque limiter, guarantees maximum protection of the units inside the cutting bar from knocks, caused on stony land. Steel discs with special profile to reduce ventilation vortexes, are equipped with a practical and safe release system and rapid blade replacement.


A practical Chevrons rollers conditioning system of the NEVA R8 enables a reduction of up to 50% in fodder drying time. This appreciable time saving and the lesser risk of fodder being exposed to climatic variations completely benefit the quality of the fodder, whose nutritional characteristics remain unaltered.

The conditioning pressure, from 0 to 500 kg, is adjustable using a lever. Expelled by the rotation speed of the rollers, the product comes into contact with an adjustable rear conveyor which regulates the exit flow allowing the crop to fall on the ground forming a plentiful and well aired heap. Adjustable swathboards reduce the windrow from 170 to 135 cm, avoiding the possible pounding of the tractor’s wheels on the grass already mowed.
